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A strong team is the foundation of a high-performing business, and good team ethics can greatly impact the success and smooth operations of an organization. If employees cannot work together well, problems such as poor organization, missed deadlines, and workplace conflict can arise.
"Great things in business are never done by one person. They are done by teams of people." - Steve Jobs
People who work in teams tend to achieve better results and report higher job satisfaction. In a 2015 study, executives said that profitability increased when workers were encouraged to collaborate more. So, if a company wants to outpace its competitors, it needs to influence not only how people work, but also how they work together.
The latest report by the World Economic Forum, The Future of Jobs, outlines the demand for a variety of skills in 2020, and finds that more than a third (36%) of all jobs across industries are expected to require problem solving as one of their core skills. In this blog, we consider how problem-solving techniques can be learned by teams to equip businesses with the skills they will need as they face new and complex challenges in the years to come.
In this blog, we will explore:
What teams can do to ensure they are collectively productive and drive their company forward
The importance of problem solving for teams
Training programs to provide the problem-solving and team development skills your team and employees need for future success.
What Makes a Team Successful?
Chances are - like most people - you have been part of teams that succeeded and teams that didn't. What makes the difference? Why do some teams take off while others seem like a bunch of people just working together?
The most effective teamwork occurs when individual contributions are aligned and working toward a common goal. Good teams don't usually happen by chance; Hard work, commitment, and some struggle are usually involved in creating a successful team. However, teams that persevere and find ways to create a cohesive group will be rewarded with higher productivity, decreased internal conflict, and a more enjoyable work experience.
What Can Teams Do to Ensure They Are Collectively Productive and Drive Their Companies Forward?
Here are some qualities a successful team should have:
They Communicate Proactively They communicate openly with each other, sharing their thoughts, opinions and ideas with team members; and consider what other people say. Communication is critical to tracking progress and working together efficiently on tasks. Poor communication can lead to miscommunication, which means work is incomplete/correct or conflicts can arise. In the most effective teams, there will be proactive communication between team members, where:some text
Team members provide information before it is asked
They provide support and assistance before it is asked
They take team initiative by providing guidance and making suggestions to other team members
They provide updates, creating situational awareness for other team members
They Focus on Goals and Results Team members need to have a common goal and the same ambition to be as efficient as possible. Teams should agree and set team goals based on results and results, not just on the amount of work done. A clear plan can then be established about how they will achieve these goals, as a group, as well as each individual's contribution. This gives them clear direction and gives them something to achieve collectively.
They Have the Ability to Adapt While it is important to have a clear set of roles and responsibilities for each member, in the most effective teams, tasks and roles are not rigid. Team members are willing to cross the line of responsibility and do something that may not be in their job description, if that's what it takes to get the job done. They do it collaboratively, not stepping on their toes, but working together with the people who usually have the job. The idea is not to take over, but to enhance the efforts of other team members. In the best teams, all members take responsibility for their own tasks as well as the completion of the overall goal. "Teamwork is the ability to work together toward a shared vision. The ability to direct individual accomplishments toward organizational goals. It is the fuel that enables ordinary people to achieve extraordinary results." - Andrew Carnegie
Everyone Contributes Fairly Each team member contributes their fair share to the workload and fully understands what their responsibilities are and where they fit into running the business. They feel like they belong to the team, are committed to their work and genuinely care about the company's success.
They Provide Support to Each Other Effective teams have not only technical skills, but also emotional intelligence. In fact, studies have shown that emotional intelligence is more important than the IQ of each team member. It turns out that if individuals are socially conscious, the entire group provides better quality work. Team members are always happy to help others when they need help with work. Teams are often more productive when they also have support from the organization and access to needed resources.
Diverse Team Members The right members bring diversity of thought, experience, and skills to the team. Bringing together a team of like-minded people who have similar backgrounds and experiences does little good. Each person is unique and will be able to offer their own experiences and knowledge that others may not have. Diversity is necessary so that all the necessary skills are covered by someone in the team and each individual can be assigned a specific role based on their strengths and skills. Different personalities, age groups, cultures, etc. can also bring creativity and a variety of ideas to the table.
Good Leadership Strong teams usually have a leader they trust and respect. This individual essentially works as the glue that holds the team together and should be responsible for setting the tempo, offering encouragement and motivation as well as keeping all team members up to date.
They are Organized Organization is very important for the smooth running of a business. Without it, the workplace can become chaotic and goals impossible to achieve. Although each individual should be responsible for managing their own workload, management must ensure that everything goes according to plan and that each team member completes their work efficiently. Holding regular meetings can help ensure that everyone is on the same page and deadlines are met.
They Have Fun It shouldn't be all work and no play, so it's important to inject a little fun into work life. Highly effective teams will stand the test of time. They will stay together through thick and thin. They will know how to celebrate accomplishments and how to readjust their efforts after defeats.
Many organizations face stronger competition, increased customer expectations, and more aggressive delivery deadlines, and all of this is met with a much lower tolerance for error. Each of these developments requires employees to address problems and develop solutions more proficiently and more quickly. Unfortunately, many managers fail to recognize the need to develop decision-making and problem-solving abilities in their teams.
“We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when creating them.” - Albert Einstein
Problem solving is no longer the exclusive responsibility of management. As organizations face new and complex challenges, employees in the organization must take on duties and responsibilities to solve workplace problems. For management, developing creative problem solving skills in employees is a necessity, not a luxury. Organizations with innovative employees are most likely to survive and thrive.
Improve Your Team's Problem Solving Capabilities with Magna Tech
Magna Tech is ready to help your organization develop problem solving and creative decision making skills. With customized training programs and advanced technology solutions, we can equip your team with the skills needed to face tomorrow's business challenges.
Contact us today to learn more about how we can help your team become more innovative and effective in facing complex business challenges.
Transitioning from Employment to Business Ownership
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